About Cathy

cathy gehr greenEvery once in a while you come across an outstanding, enthusiastic, energetic and compassionate individual.

I’d like to introduce you to one of those special people.

Cathy Gehr is a bright and uplifting human being with a love for life and an undeniable sense of outward concern for others.

Born in Toledo, Ohio, Cathy Gehr ventured out of the United States in the mid ’70s to begin her journey as a volunteer non-denominational missionary.

Her endeavors included feeding the poor, counseling youth, teaching the underprivileged, fund-raising, songwriting, concert venues, radio shows and recording studios, which led to a career in the publications industry. This incorporated proofreading, writing, composing, editing and eventually landing a role as an executive for an international publishing company.

With a passion for children’s educational materials, Cathy’s work has sold millions of copies worldwide, and all proceeds have been donated to numerous active charities. Her tenure included rubbing creative shoulders with guitar virtuoso and former founding member of Fleetwood Mac, Jeremy Spencer.

Having lived in over 20 countries around the world, Cathy is rich in culinary & cultural experiences – including an in-depth wealth of knowledge in health, cooking, skin care, fitness and emotional intelligence.

Over three decades of collaborating with like-minded educators and researchers, she is awash with information in the field of wellbeing, and passionately delves into natural and alternative remedies.

A true advocate for healthy living and lifestyles, Cathy walks the walk and talks the talk when it comes to spiritual, physical and mental fitness.

Also included in her credentials is a Doctorate in Theology, which is foundational for her practical and positive viewpoints in all aspects of her life.

Cathy realized in her early twenties that health and wellbeing were factors that needed to be considered a priority.

In order to sustain a healthy lifestyle as a non-salaried volunteer worker, she maintained a creative and well-balanced diet – often on a limited budget. It was her focus to research and implement tried-and-proven dietary habits to apply to her own situation, and that of her co-workers.

These implementations became the very basis of her resultant youthful looks and young-at-heart attitude towards life.

Now an aOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERActive Wellbeing Researcher and Nutrition Advisor, Cathy Gehr embraces health and fitness as a way of life rather than an alternative, a fact of life rather than a point of interest.

With her self-imposed duty to embrace life and treating each day as a precious and priceless privilege, Cathy has the ability to motivate and inspire, and exudes with infectious energy.

Her passionate perspectives towards achieving long-term health and beauty have attracted the attention of many who recognize the living, breathing example of this youthful campaigner for natural and affordable wellness solutions.

Intrinsically involved in the inception and content of this book, husband and soul mate, Peter is equally passionate about a healthy lifestyle.

Their life and travels and cumulative experiences make for an enriched, endearing and refreshingly loving couple.

Cathy Gehr is a regular contributor and sports health and fitness writer for Tennis Daily News.

In closing, one of the most amazing facts I’ve yet to mention — this woman is in her sixties!

