Top 10 Tips For Instant Happiness and Wellbeing

smartphone caddy1. Reflect

Take a moment to reflect on someone (or something) that is important to you. Now consider if they were suddenly gone and then revert back to the gratitude you feel knowing that she/he, or it, is still there. Research reveals that gratitude has a huge influence on our wellbeing.

2. Hug

Not a hugger? Well, there’s power and energy associated with human contact. Hugs release Oxytocin, the feel good “love hormone.”

3. Give

Give of yourself. This can be a compliment or a positive reaction to someone’s appearance, comment, or idea. Studies show that giving has substantial health benefits, which include: lower blood pressure, increase self-esteem, lessens depression and longevity.

4. Rest

Even brief moments, periods of time-out can make us happy. Negativity can plague our minds even when we’re dog tired. Sleep deprivation dampens our ability to access our pleasant memories. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite for the bad or unpleasant memories. The brain cannot process happy thoughts when you are sleep deprived.

5. Smile

Put a smile on your face. Researchers have discovered that you can actually trick the brain into processing happy thoughts by simply smiling. Even if you don’t feel like it, the benefits begin when you do.

6. Positivity

Positive talk. Sharing the brightest experience of your day with your loved one and reciprocate by listening to theirs.

7. Use Your Brain

Solve problems that challenge your brain. Studies indicate the brain actually shuts out concerns or worries when it’s busy.

8. Thanks

Send a thank you text or email to someone you know would appreciate it, or who needs encouragement.

9. Actions

Do something for someone. Even the smallest of gestures has health and happiness benefits.

10. Gifting

Give a gift. Not necessarily a diamond ring, but contribute to a charity, or a cause in your community. Giving is a known to heighten your state of mind.


How to Choose a Healthy Beer

Written Sincerely by Celebrating Wellbeing Director, Cathy Gehr

How to Choose a Healthy Beer

How to Choose a Healthy Beer

I like to celebrate the end of the week with a nice ice-cold beer! Ahhh! But not just any old beer. I enjoy a good organic beer, a low-carb beer, a healthy beer.

Whatever I do, wherever I am, I am always curious about the history of a country, a town, a food, a beverage. Knowing the history helps me understand and appreciate the present and enjoy the moment. Here’s an interesting tidbit about the history of beer.

Chemical tests of ancient pottery jars reveal that beer was first produced about 7,000 years ago in present-day Iran. The brewing of beer is one of the first-known biological engineering processes of fermentation.

Clay tablets that were unearthed in what used to be ancient Mesopotamia indicate that brewing was a fairly well-respected occupation and that the majority of brewers were probably women! Those women beer merchants were definitely on to a good thing! As nowadays, more than 133 billion liters of beer are sold yearly, with revenues in the billions of dollars!

How to Choose a Healthy Beer (Video)

This is a great video with tips on choosing local beers that are often fresher, organic, low-carb beers. Please note: This is a free to view video from Amazon.

The best toast to your health is to check that your beer of choice is GMO free. GMO maize is the main source of contamination in beer, through the use of imported flaked or cracked maize, corn syrup, glucose, maltodextrin and dextrin.

Heineken and Amstel Light attest to using non-GMO grains, and no artificial ingredients, stabilizers, or preservatives. German beers also appear to be reliable, safe healthy beer choices because the German culture takes pride on crafting pure products. A German law called “Reinheitsegebot” limits all German beer manufactures to a list of 5 core ingredients which are water, hops, yeast, malted barley, and wheat. Many consumers believe German beers taste cleaner and report that they don’t suffer from hangovers because of this purity regulation which was established on 23 April 1516! Wunderbar!

Unfortunately, North American beers such as Coors, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Budweiser and other beers made in the USA are notorious for containing genetically modified and genetically derived substances. GMO Mexican beers are also off limits for me, such as Corona. UK brand beer Newcastle, Australian beer Fosters and even Guinness are in the GMO beers category, according to Food Babe Vani Hari.

Breweries without concern for public health add, for example, GMO corn syrup to their brews in order to attain a “milder and lighter-bodied flavor”. With corn syrup, especially high fructose corn syrup, injected into everything from bread to yoghurt and even Guinness, it’s best to be an avid label reader not only of what you eat but also what you drink.

Craft breweries and micro breweries are a safer choice when it comes to purchasing a healthy beer, but it’s important to recognize which ones are actual microbrews. For the most part, local, independently owned-and-controlled craft breweries can be enjoyed with no worries.

When considering how to choose a healthy beer perhaps some may argue, “But organic products are more expensive. I can’t afford organic products.” If that’s what you’re thinking, pause to ponder these insightful words from a 14 year old teenager named Birke Baehr whose passion is to be a farmer. He wisely said, “You can either pay the farmer, or you can pay the hospital.”

I’ll drink to that!



Top 5 Reasons to Take a Walk and Live Longer

Written with love by Cathy Gehr

Health Benefits of Walking with Cathy Gehr

Health Benefits of Walking with Cathy Gehr

Health and fitness goals are just as important, if not more important, as your other life’s goals. How are you going to be able to work towards and achieve your other goals if you’re feeling sick and tired, listless and lazy, weak and weary? Do yourself a favor. Put your health and fitness goals at the top of your list, and I guarantee that all your other dreams and desires are well on their way to coming true.

In addition, being healthy is a whole lot cheaper than being sick. And how cheap can it be than to simply get up and start walking!

I’m not talking about a slow, meandering lope, but pulling your shoulders back, holding your head high, pumping those legs, swinging those arms and briskly power walking like you mean healthy business.

Health Benefits of Walking with Cathy Gehr (Video)

Research Proves the Health Benefits of Walking

Kirk Erickson, from the University of Pittsburgh, ran a study on 120 people, ages 60-80, and presented his findings at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Half of the group took a power walk 30-40 minutes three times a week. His findings revealed that this exercise regime played a significant part in delaying mental and cognitive decline. It also helped certain brain structures to thwart shrinkage and re-grow, turning back the hands on the age clock by 1-2 years.

That’s with only 30-40 minutes of power walking three times a week. What if you do it every day for one hour, starting at whatever age you are right now! Just thinking about it makes me want to bolt outside and start walking!

Best Ways to Help You Exercise

  • Walk and talk: Turn meeting times with colleagues and friends into walk-talk time. Mix socializing with exercise
  • Half lunch / half walk: Mix up lunch time with half for lunch and half for walking
  • Less stops, more steps: Get off public transport a stop or two earlier and walk to your destination
  • TV tune-up: Walk or jog in place as you watch your favourite 30 minute television show
  • Take the stairs: An old-time favorite for improved heart health and core body strength

Top 5 Reasons to Take a Walk and Live Longer

  • Live longer
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves circulation
  • Suppresses appetite

Are you wondering what happened to the other half of the group in the study who did not want to consider the top 5 reasons to take a walk and live longer? Unfortunately, they continued their sedentary lifestyle and lost out on reversing cerebral aging and all the associated benefits of walking. So remember, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” – Hippocrates


Top 10 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Written by Cathy Gehr


Cathy Gehr. Author of Look and Feel 10 Years Younger in the Next 10 Days

A friend of mine, Ron, and I were chatting about his recent battle with kidney stones. Our conversation led to my husband’s situation where he had successfully dissolved his gall stones by using natural remedies. I love to talk about health and wellness and I’ve come up with these top 10 health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Being that apple cider vinegar (ACV) was an ingredient that I always had in the kitchen, prior to my husband’s bout with gall stones, I basically just used it for salads, and added a dash here and there in recipes.

There have always been numerous claims as to the ailments this fermented apple juice could heal, but a lot of them were based on shaky evidence with little to no credible backing.

However, although there may not be reams of scientific and laboratory documentation as to the benefits of this “tonic,” the anecdotal and testimonial evidence is overwhelming.

A lot of the best remedies for cures have been around for centuries, and although the medical and pharmaceutical giants would prefer they be ignored, I always prefer to choose the natural over the unnatural any day.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Generally speaking, wellbeing comes from having sufficient exercise, enough sleep, a realistic and positive attitude and a well-managed diet. In my book “How to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger in the Next 10 Days” I also cover how important it is to hydrate.

I believe that the forgotten factor in many people’s diet is hydration. And guess what? Kidney stones often form when there is a decrease in urine volume. Knowing that Ron is an avid coffee drinker (coffee is known to dehydrate the body), I suggested that he consider upping his hydration. Additionally, the benefit of apple cider vinegar in his water could be a good start towards combating his ailment.

Ron was impressed about (Peter) my husband’s story, where his gallstones disappeared after cutting out all fatty foods and regularly drinking water containing apple cider vinegar. I’m talking about someone who was severely afflicted and had been experiencing excruciating pain from gall stones.

drink water bottle on table

Top 10 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

My hubby’s dosage was as follows: 2 tablespoons of ACV per 1 pint (500 ml) of water. Within 3-4 months they were completely dissolved. He maintains this habit to this very day, and, in fact, we both include a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in our drinking water due to the obvious health benefits.

Apple cider for weight loss can’t be overlooked either. How does this work? In short, the digestion of protein is aided by acid. So when taking apple cider vinegar before a meal, it stimulates and aids the body in a thorough digestion process and increases protein availability for fat-cell breakdown.

Research shows that people who are overweight are more prone to kidney stones—especially men.

In sharing this information with Ron, he piped in and said, “How do I start improving my condition with the apple cider benefits you’re talking about?”

So I suggested simply adding that same ACV-to-water ratio mentioned above and stick to it daily. It may be a little unpleasant to the taste buds at first, but you soon acquire a taste for it and before long you begin to crave that flavor.

I personally recommend a quality raw organic ACV that contains the “mother”. A lot of the ACV in supermarkets have been pasteurized, filtered and may even contain apples heavily drenched in pesticides—which are best to avoid. The cloudy looking mother at the bottom of an organic bottle of ACV is a good thing and is a good sign that it’s a natural product.

The top 10 health benefits of apple cider vinegar are:

Control of blood sugar

Lowering of blood cholesterol

Effectiveness against infection

Deals with cramps

Contributes to a glowing complexion

Treats colds and coughs

Whitens yellow teeth

Relieves constipation

Promotes weight loss

Nourishes hair

Are you convinced yet? Add these benefits:

Relief of rheumatism and arthritis

Dispelling of insomnia

Potential asthma relief

Strengthening of toe and finger nails

Relief from hay fever

And, last but not least, as evidenced in the case of my husband, assists in the dissolution of gall stones.

Ron asked, “Where can I find apple cider vinegar?” I recommended Braggs apple cider vinegar, and this can be readily purchased from

Ron told me today, “Thank you, Cathy, for your tips about apple cider vinegar. I’m feeling a lot better. It’s working.” I hope you, too, will join those that know the benefit of apple cider vinegar. It’s awesome!

If you find my article helpful, please share it with a friend or pass it on to loved ones too. Thank you!


Free Kindle Reader for Your Device in Seconds

Written by Cathy Gehr

Cathy Gehr. Free Kindle Reader for Your Device. Photo by Peter Gehr

Cathy Gehr. Free Kindle Reader for Your Device. Photo by Peter Gehr

A lot of people are asking me, “Hey, I’d love to read your new book, but I don’t have a Kindle Reader.”

The answer to this is simple and a solution is readily available – and it’s FREE!

I don’t own a Kindle Reader either. In fact, I much prefer to use my iPad, and there’s a free app for just about every popular device on the planet. In order to provide easy access to save you having to search all over the internet, I’m going to provide a list of all these available apps and free downloads right here on my blog. If you too didn’t know that you can have a free Kindle Reader for your device then look no further.

With multiple thousands of eBooks available out there, the market is exploding with sales through new medium and formats that are appearing, upgrading and improving on a monthly basis.

The e-reader revolution has amped up and the big players like, Barnes and Noble and Google are racing to meet the needs of readers worldwide. I think Amazon realizes that not everyone is going to buy a Kindle Reader, although their hoping that they will. The online mega-shopping giant has recently opened their doors to almost 200 countries in an effort to sell their device to the entire world.

However, if you’re like me, I personally prefer a bigger screen and much prefer my iPad. So the free app from iTunes gives me the best of both worlds.

Free Kindle Reader for Your Device in Seconds

You can actually read eBooks right in your Browser too. This option eliminates the need for an eReader entirely and gives you the ability to access from any device either from home, at the office, or traveling.

Or, if you do all your reading at home, then free standalone software downloads are available.

Once you’ve installed your app or software you’re ready to go. Purchase any book you like, or there are also lots of free eBooks available too.

Use the following links to access what you need for your devices:


iPhone or iPod


Windows Phone



Windows 8

Windows 7, XP & Vista




Android Tablet

Windows 8

For a complete list of apps and software for Nook, this link will take you to a full list downloads to match your device.

Or, if you’re in the market for a Kindle Reader click the link below for a good deal from Amazon.

I hope this has been a help in finding a free Kindle Reader for your device.

Please let me know your experiences with reading from your particular device and what you like about it. I look forward to your input and discussion and would love to hear from you.

If you found this helpful, please share with your friends and click on your favorite link below. Thanks!
